Thursday, 11 April 2019

End of term reflection

Friday 12/2019

Hello everyone

Today it is the end of the term. I am going to tell you about what I have been doing this week.

 I loved doing cycle safety because it was fun. I got to learn how to do the hand pro distance skill.
 I also learned how to do the right things at a give way sign.

We had to say goodbye to Blake from are class and we made a slide show just for Blake

I kind of didn't like caritas challenge day.  We had to build houses out of cardboard and it was frustrating and we had to have groues to build the houses out of cardboard.

 Here is a photo of the challenge day.

 I also liked korfball because I didn't know korfball was even a game.

Here is a photo of korfball.

And that is what we have done.  This the best week ever.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

weekly update week 10

Friday 5th of April

Hello everyone

Yesterday it was Caritas challenge day and it was fun. It was a little hard making cardboard houses. We ate rice just like South Sudan.

here is are some photos from yesterday 

pink shirt day

 friday 16 October  hello everyone Today i'm in a pink shirt because it's pink shirt day today yay. i'll show you a photo of pin...